Spirituality Studies

We prepare future ministers to help people in the formation and growth of their relationships with God, 自我, 其他人, 这个世界. Our programs in Spirituality Studies explore the richness of the Christian spiritual tradition—its historical and contemporary texts, 实践, 数据, 和运动.



项目 & 事件


在the Th.M., S.T.L., S.T.D. degrees, Christian Spirituality Studies can be chosen as a concentration. Students participate in critical study of the Christian spiritual tradition with an eye toward creative and constructive theological appropriation of these materials in ways that contribute to the church, 学院, 这个世界.

Post-Master’s Certificate in 精神的形成

Take the next step in your career and strengthen your ability to transform the spiritual lives of individuals and faith communities. Three themes—prayer and discernment, the art of 精神上的方向, and working within faith communities—highlight the program. 

Certificate 项目 & 与学位 Coursework

Explore spirituality through one of our flexible 18-credit certificate programs. 证书 are offered for enrichment or enhancing your ministerial skills in the areas of Christian Spirituality, Ignatian Spirituality and Jesuit Studies, and Spiritual and Pastoral Care. You may also apply to CSTM as a non-degree student to further your education and professional development through spirituality offerings.

Intensive on the 19th Annotation

A one-week intensive on facilitating the 精神上的练习 in Daily Life, also known as the 19th Annotation retreat. This program consists of morning classes that explore central dynamics of the 精神上的练习, with the afternoon focused on the practice of facilitating the retreat for 其他人. The program is open to trained spiritual directors who have experienced the 19th Annotation themselves.

Supervision and 形成 for Spiritual Directors

Engaging in the ministry of 精神上的方向 has a way of deepening the mysteries of the spiritual life along with all the questions and challenges that arise. 我们的新项目, The Journey Continues, offers the opportunity to explore some of those questions and to further refine the skills to help 其他人 mine the riches of God's grace. Each two hour session will provide opportunities for supervision and continuing education.

Evelyn Underhill Lecture in Christian Spirituality

The annual Underhill Lecture is held each spring at 电子游戏软件 in Gasson Hall. The lecture is named after the early twentieth century mystic Evelyn Underhill, author of the classic text 神秘主义 and numerous influential texts on the Christian spiritual life. Past Underhill lecturers have included Wilkie Au, 桑德拉·施耐德, 蒂莫西·拉德克利夫, 伊丽莎白·约翰逊, 髂骨Delio, 和罗文·威廉姆斯. 


Socio-Spiritual Care
希瑟米. 杜波依斯

Spiritual Sources of Catholic Education
Hosffman Ospino

Advanced Seminar in Spirituality Studies
Andre Brouillette, S.J.

安德鲁·R. 戴维斯

Theology, Race, and Critical Race Theory

Discernment and Prayer in the 精神上的练习 of St. 伊格内修斯


Student and 校友 Voices


STM students can engage in retreats, 精神上的方向, 课程, and events offered by our partners in the Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies, the Church in the 21st Century Center, and the Center for Ignatian Spirituality.

